Evil Dead Copyright Disclaimer


Listen to me,

I'm just a fan. This is a work of pure passion. I do not earn any money from this. I'm just enjoying myself...

The Evil Dead & all related sequels and TV series, characters, images and stories belong to Sam Raimi, Robert Tapert, Bruce Campbell and the respective movie studios.

Goodbye, Primitive Screwheads.

Tiziano Caliendo a.k.a. The Knowby Warrior

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ashmania, I just read this: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4189022/board/thread/250942146

    Unfortunately I cannot verify my account on IMDB, so I'll just answer you here.
    The locations shown on the map are:
    Elk Rapids, Gaylord, Alpena, Gladwin, Saginaw, Flint, Marshall, Grand Rapids and Mount Pleasant.
