Sunday, June 16, 2013

"Name's Ash". Hell yes.

Hello Winged Nightmares from 1300 AD,

The blog is soaring again. So many visits and pretty private messages. Thank you so much.

By the way, my mind made me notice that, in EVIL DEAD II, the name of our beloved lead character is muttered just ONE TIME and it never was heard again. More specifically, it came from Deadite Linda's head pretending to be a "normal" decapitated Linda's head (still alive?). Does it make sense? To me, yes. A lot. LOL.

By the way, EVIL DEAD 2013 grossed: 97 millions of dollars worldwide.
Spell "success" with me.
S U C C E S S.
Expect a new deadizing sequel. ASAP.
Tizzy a.k.a. The Knowby Warrior.